Saturday, April 30, 2011

Good-Bye Fluff - Hello Good Stuff

As I was organizing my office today, I noticed that all my "fluff" books that used to reside on my night stand because I couldn't live without them, had taken up a spot on my office bookshelf (they're actually collecting dust as I type). My "good stuff" books have taken their place over the last 12 months and have more than satisfied my reading desires. My "fluff" books mostly consist of Nora Roberts and Nicholas Sparks (I LOVE their books, probably because I'm an ENFJ). I used to wait for their next books to come out, so I could run over to Barnes and Noble and buy them. Heck, every Christmas and birthday list included their titles. Wow...I have changed. Reading "fluff" books helped me to escape my thousands of thoughts per day and allowed me to be a part of a fictional characters life, whose life was of no stress to me. It was a nice way to unwind from the day. Again, wow...I have changed. 

Now, I yearn for the "good stuff" books. You're probably wondering what those are, right? "Good stuff" books to me are books that help make my life better (self-improvement books). When I venture into Barnes and Noble, the Self-Improvement section seems to call, rather, scream my name. Boy, what a change, since I used to be so embarrassed to even be seen by that section, let alone to be caught looking at a book in that section (I actually would intentionally walk around it's aisles). The Self-Improvement section is near and dear to my heart. It's the section that has helped me understand who I am and continually helps me improve my Self. I am hungry for knowledge...I am no longer hungry for an escape from my thoughts. I welcome my thoughts and treat them as learning experiences. I never know where a thought will lead me...

When I was younger, I used to read a series of books that said, “reading is the key to take you where you want to be,” (I don’t know what series it was from, so I can’t reference it). That saying has been stuck in my head ever since I first heard it. I used to read “fluff” books because they took me where I wanted to be, which was anywhere that my stressful and negative thoughts weren’t. Now, when I read “good stuff” books, they take me where I want to be, which is to a place where I can grow and learn about my Self. Reading is the key to take me to a place of knowledge and growth.

These are the books that are currently on my night-stand, either currently in the process of being read or waiting to be read (if it seems like a lot, it is. I just had a birthday and guess what I asked for ;):
-The Voice of Knowledge: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace, by Don Miguel Ruiz
-When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, by Pema Chodron
-Operation Beautiful: Transforming the Way You See Yourself One Post-It Note at a Time, by Caitlin Boyle
- Life is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally, by Patti Digh
-Don't Bite the Hook: Finding Freedom from Anger, Resentment, and Other Destructive Emotions, by Pema Chodron
-You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise L. Hay
-The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living, by the Dalai Lama
-My Spiritual Journey, by the Dalai Lama
-Tranquilista: Mastering the Art of Englightened Work and Mindful Play, by Kimberly Wilson

"Fluff" books, at the current moment, do not interest's all about the "good stuff" books. I LOVE reading them! Now, I'm not saying that I won't ever read a "fluff" book again, I really do enjoy them, but I am saying that they aren't, and probably won't ever be again, residing on my night-stand.