We've all heard that you are what you eat, but what about you are what you think? I am a firm believer that, "beliefs are ideas and thoughts that we accept as truth," (Louise Hays, You Can Heal Your Life). What we hold in mind creates our present and future experiences. If you have negative thoughts/voices in your head about yourself, you will continually perceive those thoughts to be true in your life. If you believe that you are not pretty enough, smart enough, funny enough, ___ enough, those "nots" will become the truth. You see yourself the way you think about yourself. If you want to feel pretty, smart, funny, _____, think that you are those things.
Sound strange and just down-right weird? That's what I thought at first too. Negative self talk was constantly in my head and I had accepted the thoughts as the truth, thinking they were just part of my every day life. It wasn't until I found out that I could change my thoughts and speak things into existence, that my life changed (for the better I can ensure you). "ALL THAT WE'RE DEALING WITH IS A THOUGHT, AND A THOUGHT CAN BE CHANGED," (Louise Hays)...powerful sentence, don't you think?
Before I tell you the key to changing your thoughts, I thought I'd point out that I still struggle with negative self-talk, but I now have the tools to change those thoughts...I don't roll-over for those thoughts any more...they do not control me.
Ready for the "key" to changing your negative energy thoughts?!?!?!?
What is a positive affirmation? A positive affirmation is a conscious positive thought that you think to/tell yourself. For example, if you are struggling with the negative thought that you are not good enough, you can say, "I claim for myself high self-worth and self-esteem. I love and appreciate myself on every level," (Louise Hays). Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Yourself is loaded with affirmations for anything you can think of. It’s an AWESOME book! Below are a couple of her affirmations:
If you believe: "I feel like a failure." Your affirmation could be: "My life is a success."
If you believe: "Nothing works for me." Your affirmation could be: "My decisions are always perfect for me."
If you believe: "I'm scared of being alone." Your affirmation could be: "I express love, and I always attract love wherever I go."
Did you notice that the affirmations were in PRESENT TENSE? It is important to say your affirmations in present tense...you are speaking them into existsence, so you need to say the words as if they are happening now. You don't have to use Louise Hay's affirmations...come up with your own :)
To sum up my many words, positive affirmations are present tense sayings that you can tell yourself when you initially think a negative thought. Replace your old, no good feeling thoughts, with new, wonderful feeling thoughts! Oh yeah...if you want another challenge, say the affirmation in the mirror...VERY POWERFUL :)
I only talked about positive affirmations to heal your negative thinking about yourself in this posting, but there are many other ways to use affirmations (i.e. getting rid of sickness, money problems, bad feelings about work, etc.). I'll talk about those in my next post. Thanks for reading!