Levels of consciousness aka. "LOC", refer to different levels of energy fields in our Universe ranging on a scale from 1-1,000. 199 and below are very low levels of energy. People in the lower levels of consciousness perceive life to be miserable, evil, hopeless, tragic, frightening, disappointing, antagonistic, or demanding, depending on their level (not very positive). 200 and above have higher levels of energy. People in the higher levels perceive life to be harmonious, meaningful, benign, complete, or perfect, depending on their level. As a "feeler", it definitely doesn't feel good to view life in a negative way :) The higher the level of consciousness, the better ALL experiences feel.
There are seventeen levels, starting from shame (scale of 1-20) going up to enlightenment (scale of 700-1,000). I am actively working on climbing/transcending the different levels. The Universe looks like a different place with each level that I experience. You perceive that which you are...if you perceive the world as a scary place, the world will reflect back just that (a scary place). If you perceive the world as a loving place, the world will reflect back just that (a loving place).
Check out Dr. Hawkin's book called Power vs. Force if you want to see a Map of Consciousness and learn about the specific levels.