Monday, May 1, 2017

Injection Monitoring Before the Egg Retrieval - IVF

Affirmation this morning: I find the blessings in every experience.

Busy day today. It began with blood work and an ultra sound at HRC in Rancho at 8:15 a.m. I felt like a normal commuter stuck in work traffic this morning, and I was okay with it. I rocked out to some music and got lost in my thoughts (while driving safely of course). I feel blessed that I work close to home, so the freeway isn't a daily experience for me. I did tear up while driving when I saw a report child abuse billboard that showed a picture of a baby and had a speech bubble next to it that said something along the lines of, "call for me because I can't", but I have been known to tear up about billboards and commercials even when I'm not taking IVF medication. The blood work hurt more this morning than the previous times. The nurse said that the medication can make me more sensitive. I must admit that I have been more sensitive lately.

Going off on a tangent real quickly, two days ago was a little much for me. I was feeling overwhelmed and I actually shed some tears during the Menopur injection that Brad gave me. It only lasted for a couple of hours, though, and then I got out of my funk (Brad may disagree with the couple hours part ;)). One of my friends told me to think of the injections and this time in my life as a season that will pass. That is such a great way to look at this process! If I am not mindful of my thoughts, especially right now, this "season" can seem to be never-ending, but there is an end to this all. I won't be taking injections every night for the rest of my life. No, this is just a season. She also told me that the person who gave her acupuncture told her to visualize herself as a hen protecting her eggs. That was a helpful visualization for me. My main focus right now is growing and protecting the eggs that are inside of me, all the while being mindful, present, and optimistic. All the experiences I'm encountering are blessings indeed. The injections are a blessing because they exist, which I'm so grateful for, and because they are tool to help get me one step closer towards becoming a mom. The burning experience from the Menopur is a blessing because it provides me with daily practice for controlling my thoughts, and because it is a reminder that I am alive. The increased sensitivity I've been experiencing is a blessing because it reminds me that I have feelings and that they will continually change.

Okay, getting back to this morning....after my blood work, I met with Dr. Norion for my internal ultra sound. He said that I have 15 follicles on one side and 17 on the other. All the follicles are maturing nicely. In fact, he said that he thinks my egg retrieval will be this Sunday instead of Monday. I get to add a 3rd injection to my nightly ritual starting tonight (two days earlier than anticipated). I only have four more nights of this round of injections, so I can do it. Brad has really become a pro at the injections. He can get everything ready and administer the injections in less than five minutes. I have found that I do better when I don't look at the needles and when I lie down with an ice pack for five minutes prior. It is a little difficult to breath through the injections because they're administered in my stomach and I don't want to move my stomach (breathing will do that to you :)) because I don't want the needle doing anything funky. 

After the ultra sound, Dr. Norion said that he wants to see me Wednesday and Friday (like originally planned). Since I'm using Quest Diagnostics for my blood work this Wednesday, I won't see Dr. Norion until late afternoon that day for my ultra sound. I tried to make an appointment with Quest Diagnostics, but they don't have any openings before 8:15 a.m. I'm going to go in there at 6:55 a.m. and hope that I can get in and out of there by 7:30 a.m. It will all work out. I may need to beg someone there to let me go in front of them so I can make it on time to my field trip, though.

This afternoon, I had an acupuncture appointment. I absolutely love my acupuncture doctor! I've gone to her for my knee and for infertility. Dr. Norion knows her, too! In order to best prepare for the egg retrieval, she suggested that I come see her today and then again on Friday. However, when I saw her today and shared with her how many follicles I currently have, she said she may cancel the Friday appointment. She doesn't want to hyperstimulate my ovaries. I'll email her on Wednesday with the size and amount of my follicles. This round of acupuncture increased blood flow to my uterus and helped my follicles improve. It also helped relax me. Acupuncture can sometimes make me nervous because of the needles. Dr. Watkins uses extremely tiny Japanese needles, but I can sometimes feel them more depending on where they're put. Today, she put some in my ears, in the top of my head, in my stomach, and in my legs. She also used electric stem. Once the needles are in, I don't feel anything. I think it is the memory of some of the pain that I've experienced in the past that causes some of my nervousness. It wasn't bad today at all! Maybe that's because I'm used to getting injections now. Ha! There's another blessing of injections - they help me enjoy acupuncture more.  While I was resting with the acupuncture needles, she talked to me about getting acupuncture for the actual embryo transfer. She is an OBGYN doctor at Loma Linda, so she has had a ton of experience with infertility. She said that studies have shown that having acupuncture 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the embryo transfer have shown a 40% increase in success of whatever success rate number Dr. Norion gave me. Sounds good! Unfortunately, I can't have Dr. Watkins administer the acupuncture because the transfers are done in Pasadena, and she doesn't work out there. She did say that HRC in Pasadena has someone who does acupuncture there. I'm going to look into it.

This evening, I had an appointment with my therapist. I've been going to him a couple times a month for years and he's wonderful! I go to the doctor's, to yoga, walk, eat healthy, etc. for physical health, and I go to my therapist for mental and well being health. I believe physical health and mental health go hand in hand. My thoughts are powerful and if I don't have control of my thoughts, especially the thoughts that tend to sneak up on me during IVF, I can make myself miserable! My thoughts can create suffering or joy - I choose joy. He knows all about our IVF journey. I filled him in on the current happenings.

To end the day, I had my injections. We added the ganorelix. It wasn't bad. No burning (yay!) and even the Menopur seemed to burn less tonight. Brad did inject the follistim needle without putting the follistim in it, but what's one more needle today, right? He said it was just for fun. Nice cover up ;) Between blood work this morning, acupuncture this afternoon, and my injections this evening, I've been poked fifteen times by a needle today, and I'm still smiling (that's a blessing right there!). I can do this!